How Chiropractic Care Can Help After a Car Accident

More than 5 million Americans find themselves in auto accidents each year. Because of how common accidents are, it’s important to know what to do should you end up in an auto accident.

Most accidents are minor fender benders, but even these slow-moving accidents can cause injury to your spine. Because of the centrality and importance of your spine, any collision, even a small one, can cause damage that you won’t want to ignore. Even if you don’t experience pain right away, you could develop pain later. If left untreated, neck and back pain can often become worse and even chronic as time goes on. To address back or neck pain immediately after an auto accident, turn to Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots chiropractic.

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Paige Roth
The Three Causes of Misalignments: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins

D.D. Palmer, considered to be the father of chiropractic, first explored the basics of what he believed to be the main cause of spinal subluxations. Spinal subluxations, also called misalignments, are when vertebrae of the spine are out of place or not in proper alignment. The majority of spinal subluxation causes can fall into three categories, known as the three Ts: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. Thankfully, each of these things can be alleviated through chiropractic care.

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Paige Roth
Chiropractic Care for Tech Neck

There’s no denying that we live in a world where technology is all around us. It has become an integrated part of our lives, and we rely on it daily. But did you realize that the constant looking down at our technology can actually lead to health concerns? While that can be concerning, chiropractic care can help.

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Paige Roth
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a beautiful and miraculous thing, but it can be incredibly difficult on some women, particularly physically. Even if your pregnancy is relatively easy, there are still some discomforts and unexpected feelings for most women, even if you’ve had several kids prior. Each pregnancy is different and the way your body handles it will be different each time, but one thing holds true with each pregnancy for every woman: chiropractic helps. Not only can it reduce pain and discomfort typical of most pregnancies, but it can also improve the health of your baby, prepare you for a faster delivery, and help you recover from birth faster. Dr. Paige Roth of True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines is a neurologically-based chiropractor who has seen positive results for many of her pregnant practice members.

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Paige Roth
The Connection Between Fewer Headaches and Chiropractic Care

Every day people struggle with headaches that can range from mild annoyances to severely painful and debilitating. Frequent headaches are actually one of the most common reasons for seeking out chiropractic care, along with back and neck pain. At True Roots Chiropractic, Dr. Paige Roth understands the importance of addressing the root cause of your headaches so you can experience lasting relief from headaches.

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Paige Roth
Feeling versus Function: Achieving True Health When Feelings Are Unreliable

Have you ever noticed how sometimes pain occurs immediately after the thing that caused it, while other times it may take hours or days to register as a painful feeling? This is because only about 10% of your nervous system perceives and registers pain. While this is a nice way of our body protecting us from feeling unnecessary discomfort, it’s important to know this about ourselves so that we can be as healthy as possible.

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Paige Roth
Dysautonomia: What Is It and How Can We Help?

The nervous system is the intricate network of nerves throughout our body that carries messages, impulses, and signals to control all of the body’s functions and systems. While the central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system is made up of all the remaining nerves in the body. The peripheral nervous system can then be broken down into more divisions, including the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Somatic refers to voluntary movements and processes, whereas the autonomic system refers to the involuntary actions that occur within our bodies.

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Paige Roth
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash 

Did you know that whiplash is the most common type of car accident injury? That’s because while your upper body is properly restrained by a seat belt, your head and neck are not. The force of the accident can cause your head to jolt violently forward and backward, causing your neck muscles to strain and stretch out of their regular range of motion.

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Paige Roth
Chiropractic Care: A Natural Way to Combat Addictive Behaviors

When you hear the word “addiction,” you might automatically think of alcohol or drug abuse, but people can actually be addicted to things other than substances, like stealing, lying, exercising, and disordered eating. Addiction is an umbrella term that refers to an action or substance that you can’t stop thinking about or wanting to do and that slowly begins to disrupt your life. Many addictive behaviors develop out of trying to manage pain, anxiety, or depression by seeking out substances or activities that temporarily make you feel better. However, these addictive behaviors can have significant negative effects on your life.

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Paige Roth
How Chiropractic Can Help With Vertigo

Have you ever stood up too quickly and felt like the room was spinning? Or felt like you were on a boat in rough waters, but really you were just standing in your living room? You may have been experiencing vertigo. While some people may experience vertigo a few times in their life, others can get vertigo so frequently that it begins to disrupt their daily lives. If you struggle with episodes of vertigo that leave you feeling dizzy and unsettled, here’s how a chiropractor can help.

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Paige Roth
Thyroid Dysfunction and Your Health

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. It has a lot of important jobs, such as regulating metabolism, controlling body temperature, and ensuring proper growth across the body. When the thyroid isn’t functioning as it should, either by overproducing or underproducing hormones, a lot of systems and functions of the body can go awry. Thyroid disorders are increasingly common in the United States nowadays, and many people are just now hearing about how beneficial chiropractic care can be for thyroid dysfunction.

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Paige Roth
The Role of Neuroplasticity in Your Overall Health

Neuroplasticity is a big word that simply refers to the brain’s ability to adapt, grow, and change. It was once thought that the brain was not “plastic,” or able to reorganize neural connections and acclimate to changes, but scientists now know that the brain does actually have a great deal of plasticity.

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Paige Roth