Chiropractic Care for Whiplash 

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Did you know that whiplash is the most common type of car accident injury? That’s because while your upper body is properly restrained by a seat belt, your head and neck are not. The force of the accident can cause your head to jolt violently forward and backward, causing your neck muscles to strain and stretch out of their regular range of motion.

Whiplash can happen whether you were stopped at a red light and rear-ended or if you were in a multi-car accident on the highway. If you have whiplash after a car accident in Des Moines, then Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic can help.

What Whiplash Feels Like

Whiplash is a tricky car accident injury because its symptoms sometimes don’t show up right away. It is commonly referred to as a hidden injury because of this, and for the fact that there is no one specific factor to look for when trying to diagnose whiplash. There are a variety of whiplash symptoms, including sore, stiff neck muscles, headaches, and difficulty turning your head in certain directions.

Your neck may be tender and even warm to the touch, signaling that there is inflammation. Whiplash symptoms can also occur in your upper back and through your arms, and whiplash can bring about nerve pain. While your symptoms may be mild or even nonexistent at first, they may develop in the hours or even days after the accident.

How Chiropractic Can Help

Your Des Moines chiropractor can help treat your whiplash by identifying where the pain is and getting to the root cause. If you have sore, stiff muscles that make small movements difficult, you may have strained your neck muscles or may have a spinal misalignment in your neck. Dr. Paige will use gentle techniques to help reduce inflammation and encourage oxygen-rich blood flow to the area so your muscles can heal.

It is possible for a swollen muscle or a slipped disc to put pressure on a nerve in your neck, which could also be intensifying your whiplash pain. A slipped disc is also referred to as a herniated disc and happens when the spongy discs that normally separate your vertebrae are dislodged and compress a nearby nerve. A compressed nerve can cause shooting pain from your neck down into your arm, give you a pins and needles feeling, or cause tingling and numbness. Your Des Moines chiropractor can use a gentle adjustment technique to help restore the disc to its proper position so it is no longer compressing the nerve. You may also experience back pain because of the strain and stress on your upper back when your body was jostled around in the car accident.

If you suspect you have whiplash or if you have a definitive diagnosis, come visit Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic. She will identify any misalignments in your spine and will then use chiropractic adjustments to correct any issues so you can experience true relief from whiplash pain.

At True Roots Chiropractic, Dr. Roth wants to help you experience healthier functioning and full recovery from your whiplash symptoms. You shouldn’t have to live with pain and discomfort, so let your Des Moines chiropractor help you get relief. Visit us online or call to schedule a visit with Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic.

Paige Roth