Suffering from Back Pain? Chiropractic Care Can Help

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Each year, Americans spend a collective $50 billion on back pain. This includes medication to relieve symptoms, but also lost wages from time missed at work and related medical bills. Over 31 million Americans complain of back pain in some manner, ranging from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. Back pain can manifest in a number of ways, such as dull aches, stabbing sensations, severe and chronic pain, or pain that only happens when a specific movement occurs. These ailments can lead to a significant loss in quality of life and other adverse effects, like the inability to work or complete basic tasks. The spine is a complex system that can be injured further by ignoring pain and trying to carry on with your life. If you suffer from even mild back pain, contacting a Des Moines chiropractor is the best way to address the issue and prevent it from worsening or causing additional problems. Dr. Paige Roth focuses on overall health by addressing any spinal misalignments, bringing relief to those with back pain.

Causes of Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by impact and injury, other back or spine conditions, mental health, general posture, and a large number of other triggers. Regardless of the root cause, back pain almost always indicates something is out of alignment in the spine. Even when the pain moves to legs or neck, it is most likely coming from a spinal issue.

Some back pain is caused by behavior and lifestyle factors, the most common being age. Older adults are more likely to suffer from back pain, though even children can fall victim. Obesity and a lack of exercise are other factors that may lead to an imbalance in the spine and weakened muscles. Smoking can also cause a deficiency in nutrient supply, leading to back pain. Some people, particularly those with anxiety and depression, are more prone to back pain than others. Back pain has increased in recent years because we tend to sit so much now, not to mention how often we stare at screens with poor posture.

Other causes can be one-time injuries or scenarios. Pregnancy is an example of a temporary condition that can cause back pain as weight shifts, and tendons and ligaments throughout the body loosen. During pregnancy, the back muscles tend to bear the imbalance for extended periods of time. In one case study, a woman in her third trimester had back pain so severely that she was unable to walk or sit for long periods. By visiting a chiropractor regularly, she was able to reduce the pain and resume normal activities.

Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

The number one reason people seek out a Des Moines chiropractor is for back pain. While some people may resort to medicine that comes with side effects and merely mask symptoms, getting a chiropractic adjustment at True Roots Chiropractic can be an incredibly effective long-term solution.  Countless individuals have experienced a dissolution of back pain due to chiropractic care, including a 10-year-old boy who experienced complete relief after a serious fall caused back pain, and this just after 6 visits to his chiropractor! You don’t have to suffer through pain brought on by an injury or your daily activities when chiropractic care is proven to bring relief. Contact Dr. Paige Roth and her team today to begin your life without back pain.


Bernard, M., Tuchin, P. “Chiropractic Management of Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain: A Case Study.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2016 Jun; 15(2): 129-133.

Cofano, G.P., Anderson, B.C., Stumpff, E.R. “Chiropractic Care of Acute Low Back Pain and Incidental Spina Bifida Occulta: A Case Report.” Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2014 Jun; 13(4): 273-277.

Paige Roth