Can Chiropractic Care Prevent Ear Infections?

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Otitis media, known commonly as an ear infection, is an ailment that we often see children suffer from. Chronic ear infections can be painful and every year, over half a million children have tubes surgically placed in their ears as a solution to ear infections. While this procedure is common, it is not a normal and natural procedure or problem. About 80% of ear infections resolve themselves on their own, and because of that, subjecting your child to risky medications and surgeries is not always the best option. Seeing a Des Moines chiropractor can be a natural way to overcome the pain of chronic ear infections and it is incredibly safe for children, not to mention extremely effective.

What Is an Ear Infection?

While the pain and discomfort are often the same, ear infections can start as either bacterial or viral. A viral ear infection cannot be addressed with antibiotics, so they are typically expected to resolve themselves over time and the focus is on pain reduction efforts. When the ear infection is bacterial, the Eustachian tubes (which connect the ear and the back of the throat) are blocked due to swelling and a backup of fluid in the tubes. When these tubes are blocked, air can’t travel properly, and a vacuum effect pulls fluid from the throat and nose into the ears without a way to expel the fluid. This build-up then allows bacteria to grow, leading to more discomfort and recurring ear infections.

Ear Infections in Children

In adults, the Eustachian tubes are tilted slightly, which allows fluid to drain easily and prevents the ear infections from occurring often. However, children’s Eustachian tubes are parallel to the ground. This positioning makes them more likely to retain fluid and therefore more susceptible to both bacterial and viral ear infections. This is why the solution to chronic issues is often a surgery that can insert artificial tubes to facilitate better drainage. But even with this surgery, children can still get chronic ear infections, subjecting them to more and more antibiotics. This continued exposure can kill healthy tissue as well as the bacteria. Chiropractic adjustments don’t have the same negative side effects and can offer children long-term relief.

Chiropractic Solutions for Ear Infections

Dr. Paige Roth and the staff at True Roots Chiropractic seek to alleviate not only the symptoms of ear infections, but also to address the root cause of these infections. The Eustachian tubes are linked to the spine’s four upper vertebrae, and a spinal misalignment can affect the tubes and cause a blockage. A chiropractic adjustment can correct this misalignment, or subluxation, and can help to correct this issue. Studies indicate that with the spine in proper alignment, children are less likely to suffer from chronic ear infections. In one case study, a 9-month-old infant was given five weeks of regular chiropractic adjustments, and his chronic ear infections stopped and his ears were deemed clear of all fluids.

Chiropractic care is a safe and natural solution for your child’s recurring ear infections. Contact True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines today to evaluate how your child can benefit from Dr. Roth’s care.


Black, P., Boutilier, A. &. Stone-McCoy, P. “Resolution of Otitis Media in a Nine-Month Old Undergoing Chiropractic Care: A Case Study and Selective Review of the Literature.” J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, June 2010: 99-106.

Hardrick, B.J. “How Chiropractic Can Help With Ear Infections, Specifically In Kids!”

Paige Roth