How Chiropractic Care Benefits Infants & Children

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As a parent, it can be stressful to try to make the right medical decisions for your children. In many cases, they require a different level of care than we do, or they may have specific ailments that affect them significantly. In most cases, things like strong medications may not be in their best interest. One type of care that is equally safe for you and your child alike is the chiropractic care offered at True Roots Chiropractic. Because of its natural approach, chiropractic adjustments can help improve the body and brain of practice members at any age. Dr. Paige Roth strives to be your choice of Des Moines chiropractor to help your children and keep them as healthy as possible.  

Safety of Adjustments in Children

A spinal misalignment can be just as common–and just as impactful–for a child as it can for an adult. Because chiropractic care takes a natural approach to removing misalignments, it is a safe choice for individuals of any age. Research has shown that children benefit significantly from chiropractic adjustments. The adjustments performed at True Roots Chiropractic are tailored to each practice member, including pediatrics, and are gentle yet effective in alleviating their ailments. Chiropractors undergo special training focused on young children and issues specific to them, such as ear infections, colic, sleep disturbances, and more. Rather than using invasive medical practices, this care reduces and removes interferences in the central nervous system, offering your child long-term results.

Health Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care

One of the most crucial things for a child’s development is sleep, as it allows them to grow and develop properly. Unfortunately, many children have trouble falling and staying asleep, which most parents know all too well. If a child’s spine is misaligned, it could be interrupting nerve signals between the spine and the brain, causing difficulty sleeping. Chiropractic adjustments that remove this misalignment have been shown to improve sleep habits in children. The physical effects of a pediatric adjustment can not only help with sleep habits, but other issues such as ear, nose, and throat problems, GI issues, and back or neck pain in young children.

Many children also struggle with behavioral problems, and a Des Moines chiropractor can make a difference there as well. As ADHD is diagnosed quite often in children, they are increasingly put on medication. While this can be helpful in the short-term at times, it also comes with a long list of side effects and risks. If you’re hesitant to use medicine as a behavioral tool, contact Dr. Paige Roth to get your child under chiropractic care. The attention center in the brain is influenced by the central nervous system, and removing any misalignments may have a positive impact on their attention span and behavior.

Getting Your Child Started

Whether your child is suffering from a chronic health issue or you simply want to ensure their wellbeing, contact True Roots Chiropractic today for their first appointment. Dr. Paige Roth will gently work with your child to improve their health and quality of life.


Alcantara, J., Ohm, J., Kunz, D. “The safety and effectiveness of pediatric chiropractic: a survey of chiropractors and parents in a practice-based research network.” Explore (NY), 2009 Sep-Oct; 5(5): 290–295.

Schetchikova, N.V. “Children with ADHD Medical vs. Chiropractic Perspective and Theory; Part 1.” Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 2002 Jul; Reprint.

Paige Roth