Feeling versus Function: Achieving True Health When Feelings Are Unreliable

Have you ever noticed how sometimes pain occurs immediately after the thing that caused it, while other times it may take hours or days to register as a painful feeling? This is because only about 10% of your nervous system perceives and registers pain. While this is a nice way of our body protecting us from feeling unnecessary discomfort, it’s important to know this about ourselves so that we can be as healthy as possible.

How healthy do you think a person is if they only deal with health and wellness when they are in pain? Maybe they wait until something “feels off” or is uncomfortable before trying to discover what’s wrong. This is purely reactive health, and it’s not sustainable and it’s not true health. Think about all the stories you’ve heard of someone who was seemingly in perfect health until they noticed one or two small things that hurt or felt strange. After getting them checked out, they receive a life-threatening diagnosis.

They’re shocked because they felt fine, even though something was obviously very amiss within their body. The idea around this is the concept of feeling versus function. How you feel is not always indicative of how your body is functioning, and this is hugely important when it comes to optimizing your health and wellness.

How to Improve Function

So now you know that a lack of pain does not necessarily mean that everything is working great within your body. But how do you manage the proper function of your body’s various systems to ensure you are as healthy as possible?

This is where chiropractic care comes in. Dr. Paige Roth is a Des Moines chiropractor who has spent years studying and becoming an expert on the nervous system. She knows that when the nervous system is healthy and thriving, the rest of the body will be as well. Dr. Paige is also an expert in the musculoskeletal system and understands the complex relationship between it and the nervous system. Chiropractic care marries these two important systems and allows them to mutually benefit one another to thrust you toward optimal health.

When you have a misalignment of the spine, that simply means you have a vertebra that is shifted or twisted a little bit. This misalignment causes the vertebra to put undue pressure on the spinal cord or other nearby nerves, which interrupts neural transmissions from the brain that help your body function. So if a message comes from the brain to tell another bodily system how to work but the message is interrupted or impeded, the message never gets to where it was going and dysfunction begins. It may start small and unnoticeable, but minor nervous system disruptions eventually lead to more substantial ones.

Chiropractic Care at True Roots Chiropractic

The solution is chiropractic care. Gentle, specific, and scientific chiropractic adjustments will realign your spine, allowing your nervous system to properly and effectively transmit messages to the rest of your body. When this occurs, your entire body functions more optimally. When you’re under regular chiropractic care with Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth, you don’t have to depend on your unreliable feelings anymore. Instead, you can trust that your body is functioning well and you are on the road to true health.

Paige Roth