Thyroid Dysfunction and Your Health

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The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. It has a lot of important jobs, such as regulating metabolism, controlling body temperature, and ensuring proper growth across the body. When the thyroid isn’t functioning as it should, either by overproducing or underproducing hormones, a lot of systems and functions of the body can go awry. Thyroid disorders are increasingly common in the United States nowadays, and many people are just now hearing about how beneficial chiropractic care can be for thyroid dysfunction.

How Chiropractic Impacts Thyroid Function

Because of where the thyroid is in the neck, the health of the spine greatly impacts the health of the thyroid. The seventh cervical vertebra, also known as the C7, is directly linked to the thyroid through a system of nerves. If that vertebra is shifted or twisted even the tiniest bit, the messages traveling to the thyroid are interrupted and impeded, leading to improper function of the thyroid. How the thyroid responds to the lack of proper communication from the brain depends on a lot of things, but the dysfunction can bring about hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid and an overactive thyroid, respectively.

How Do I Know if I Have a Thyroid Problem?

The symptoms of a thyroid issue are usually pretty significant, but individuals may not always link those symptoms to thyroid dysfunction. Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid condition in the US, and it is a result of a thyroid that doesn’t produce enough hormones. It is characterized by unexplained weight gain, fatigue, depression, loss of hair, and an inability to focus and concentrate. Those with hypothyroidism generally have a hard time losing weight, may experience constipation, and typically deal with muscle aches, cramps, and weakness. On the other end of the spectrum, we have hyperthyroidism, which is when the thyroid is overactive and produces too much hormone. The main symptoms include unexplained weight loss, nervousness, a rapid heart rate, diarrhea, persistent thirst, mood swings, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and hyperactivity. The best way to know if you truly have a thyroid disorder is to have blood work done to check your hormone levels. However, if you suspect a thyroid problem, you can get under chiropractic care to see if that alleviates some of the symptoms that you suspect are related.

Des Moines Chiropractic for Proactive Health

Dr. Paige Roth is a Des Moines chiropractor who practices neurologically-based care. Her techniques are based on years of research and professional practice, and her assessments of your spine and nervous system health are effective and proven. Chiropractic care is natural and safe for everyone in your family, from the tiniest newborn baby to the oldest and wisest great grandparent. Chiropractic care can help you be proactive in your health management, allowing you to get ahead of and avoid problems and conditions before you experience their negative symptoms. If you have a thyroid issue, getting under chiropractic care can help you reduce your need for medication, whether you’re taking it already or not. Contact Dr. Paige and her team at True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines to learn more about safe and effective chiropractic care for improved thyroid health.

Paige Roth