How Chiropractic Care Can Help After a Car Accident

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More than 5 million Americans find themselves in auto accidents each year. Because of how common accidents are, it’s important to know what to do should you end up in an auto accident.

Most accidents are minor fender benders, but even these slow-moving accidents can cause injury to your spine. Because of the centrality and importance of your spine, any collision, even a small one, can cause damage that you won’t want to ignore. Even if you don’t experience pain right away, you could develop pain later. If left untreated, neck and back pain can often become worse and even chronic as time goes on. To address back or neck pain immediately after an auto accident, turn to Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots chiropractic.

Natural Pain Relief

Whiplash, or the sudden forward motion of the neck, is probably one of the most common complaints from people who have been in car accidents. This is because rear-end collisions are the most common, making the symptoms of whiplash all too familiar for many people. An accident could cause inflammation in your neck or back, which you might feel as warm skin and tenderness to the touch. These symptoms of whiplash can also bring about nerve pain. Lower back pain, neck pain, and stiffness are all associated with whiplash, which could leave you reaching for an over-the-counter pain medication to help alleviate your symptoms. Even though pain medication may relieve your pain in the short term, it doesn’t treat any underlying issues and could have side effects that you don’t want. Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic offers long-term natural and effective pain relief through chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic Care for True Health and Healing

While most people think of chiropractic adjustment as a means to an end for auto accident pain relief, it can be a helpful lifestyle choice to keep you one step ahead. Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth provides proactive healthcare and auto accident pain relief through neurologically-based chiropractic adjustments. These adjustments help correct any subluxations, or misalignments, you might have after an auto accident. Subluxations, inflammation, reduced range of motion, and stiffness in the neck and body are all common occurrences after an auto accident that can cause significant pain. The good news is that when your body is in proper alignment, it becomes easier for it to heal itself and you will be on the road to long-term pain relief and recovery. When considering the best short-term and long-term care for yourself after an auto accident, consult with Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines to better understand the ways that chiropractic adjustments can be a safe, natural, and effective treatment plan.

If you think you might have whiplash or if you have other pain related to an auto accident, come visit Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth at True Roots Chiropractic for an assessment. Dr. Roth wants to help you get on the road to recovery and lead a healthy, natural, pain-free life. Schedule an appointment today.

Paige Roth