How Chiropractic Can Alleviate Colic

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Having a newborn can be difficult, with the non-stop diaper changes, constant feedings, and figuring out a healthy sleep schedule. If you add colic to that, those first few months of your sweet baby’s life can be extremely challenging. Colic is defined as uncontrollable crying that occurs for seemingly no reason. If baby has slept, eaten, been changed, and really has no reason to be crying, colic may be the problem.

How Do I Know It’s Colic?

A colicky baby is generally inconsolable. No matter what you do to help ease baby’s fussiness, if he does not seem to be comforted, it may be colic. Sometimes babies just go through periods of fussiness, teething, or growth spurts that can bring about increased irritability, so how can you be certain it’s actually colic and not just a short phase?

Colic is characterized by several hours of crying or fussing, generally 3 or more hours, taking place at least 3 days out of the week. Colic typically starts around the second week of life and can last until the baby is around 3 or 4 months old. Clenched fists, straightened legs, and tense abs while crying are all indicative of colic. Colicky babies may cry as if they’re in pain, or they may simply be very fussy for extended periods of time. When nothing seems to console them or minimize their unhappiness, it’s likely you’ve got a colicky baby.

How Can Chiropractic Help with Colic?

Pediatricians may recommend a number of different treatments for colic, such as a diet change (either switching formula or mom changing what she eats for nursing babies), medication, or better sleep scheduling. While those things may be helpful, there is another factor that plays into colic that many parents are unaware of: spinal misalignments. Babies have extremely loose muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and their spinal column is supported by all of these soft tissues. Vertebrae can very easily get twisted, turned, or shifted slightly out of alignment in babies, particularly during the birthing process. How babies sleep, how they are held, and even how they sit in a car seat can have an impact on their spinal alignment that can bring about problems like colic.

Dr. Paige Roth is a chiropractor in Des Moines who is passionate about helping families live the healthiest lives possible, starting with the youngest little bundles of joy. Newborns even a few hours old can be adjusted safely with Dr. Paige’s gentle and specific technique, allowing their spine to be as healthy as possible and encouraging their nervous system to function optimally. When everything is in alignment, all of the various systems of baby’s body will work together seamlessly, minimizing common newborn problems and giving both baby and mom and dad the quiet, rest, and joy they desire.

If you suspect your baby is suffering from colic, bring him or her in to see Dr. Paige at True Roots Chiropractic in Des Moines. Chiropractic care is a safe and natural way to improve the overall health of your baby and bring you much needed relief from the frustrating symptoms of colic. Contact True Roots Chiropractic today!

Paige Roth