How Chiropractic Care Soothes Arthritis Pain

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Arthritis refers to inflammation and stiffness in joints and is commonly associated with older adults. However, did you know arthritis can actually affect people of all ages? Men and women, young and old, can experience joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain because there are actually several different types of arthritis. A chiropractor can help identify which type of arthritis you are experiencing and provide you with quality chiropractic care to help reduce your symptoms and increase your quality of life.

Types of Arthritis

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis, and is what people generally think of when they hear the word arthritis. This type of arthritis does tend to affect an older population of people because it is generally caused by wear and tear of the joints over time. As we age, the cartilage between bones can degenerate and this leaves no buffer between bones. When bones rub against one another, this can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints.

Inflammatory arthritis is another type of arthritis that brings about pain and discomfort due to problems with the immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are two common types of inflammatory arthritis, and these can occur when the immune system malfunctions and attacks the joints. This causes inflammation in the joints and in the soft tissues surrounding the joints.

How Arthritis Can Affect Daily Life

Arthritis can be present anywhere in the body where joints are, including your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, feet, back, neck, and jaw. Some types of arthritis can affect multiple joints, meaning you are experiencing symptoms of arthritis in several areas of the body at once.

Arthritis joint pain can affect people from all walks of life, from avid cross-stitchers to professional athletes. Symptoms of arthritis can increase over time and even lead to a reduced range of motion in the affected area. Pain and discomfort with common daily tasks can also lead to frustration and even depression for some sufferers of joint pain. Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth can help people of any age and stage in life find relief from arthritis pain.

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

While you may find short-term relief from arthritis pain with things like drugstore pain relievers, these often tend to mask the symptoms of arthritis rather than provide any type of true and permanent healing. Chiropractic care is a healthy and non-invasive way to relieve arthritis pain in the short-term and manage arthritis pain in the future. Des Moines chiropractor Dr. Paige Roth can assess your individual experience of arthritis, pinpoint which joints and muscles are affected, and provide gentle, effective relief.

Chiropractors focus on identifying any misalignments in the spine and restoring the spine to its natural and proper position. The spinal column houses the spinal cord, an integral part of the nervous system, and interruptions to this nerve communication can affect the symptoms of arthritis pain. At True Roots Chiropractic, Dr. Roth takes care of her practice members with a variety of gentle and natural chiropractic techniques to ease pain and remove misalignments for improved functioning and reduced stress on the affected joints. No matter the type of arthritis you have, chiropractic care can help reduce your pain and increase your quality of life. If you or a loved one is experiencing any type of arthritis pain, contact True Roots Chiropractic for an appointment and experience true healing today.

Paige Roth